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HOD Message

Electronics and Telecommunication

Dr. Nitin Ahire

Greetings from the Department of EXTC.

It gives me an immense pleasure to welcome viewers to the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication at XIE, Mahim. This website is intended to give you an overview of the facilities available in the Department, various laboratories, and achievements by students and profiles of the faculties along with their domain of specialization.

These days when students come to XIE for admission, they are inclined to take IT or Computer Engineering without realizing that EXTC is the mother of today’s engineering world as we teach both electronics and computers in our department. EXTC graduates are more in demand in the industry as they are well-versed both in programming and electronics. Our students learn data structures, operating systems, and analysis of algorithm, computer architecture and Data Base. We also have value added courses like Python for Data Science, R Programming, Data Analytics and Machine Language for AI, Bigdata Hadoop, Deep learning and Cloud Computing. I promise you that you will have a bright future as an EXTC engineer. Many of our past students are working in CISCO and AI related industries.

The department works as a closely knit team with its members dedicated wholeheartedly for the betterment of students. Through a nice blend of course works, projects and co-curricular activities, the Department endows students with the ability to apply knowledge of Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to work successfully in multidisciplinary teams, demonstrate leadership and technical proficiency, practice engineering ethically and responsibly for society and environment. Department follows the syllabus of Mumbai University and conducts co-curricular activities to bridge gaps between Academia and Industry. Apart from imparting lectures, department takes the intense interest towards personality development. It offers from time to time career counselling and mentoring in small groups.

I hope you will find this website to be informative and useful. There is no limit to your creativity. If you have any query, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of our faculty members.